For taxi or transfer order from Chōfu Airport to Tokyosend request to

In order to be as convenient and comfortable as possible to get from Chōfu Airport (調布飛行場, Chōfu Hikōjō, RJTF) to Tokyo, we strongly recommend to use the services of Tokyo Taxi company and order a transfer. It does not matter whether you are traveling alone, with friends or with your family — we will take care of everyone and provide the highest level of service. Our fleet includes economy and premium class cars, minivans and spacious minibuses. The staff of our drivers includes highly qualified professionals with many years of driving experience and an excellent knowledge of English is a mandatory requirement for them. If you need additional services (child seats, travel privacy, motorcade, etc.), please let us know about them when you apply for a transfer from Chōfu Airport to Tokyo. You can do this by calling us +818090210039 by email or online.

Exist several  ways to get to Tokyo: by car, by bus, by train and by plane. As long Japan is island, most international tourists prefer the fly option.  Most travelers arrive to Naneda or Narita international airports. But if you are traveling from some islands or by private jet – Chōfu Airport could be your gates to Tokyo.

Not many tourists arrive in Tokyo through Chōfu Airport – it is rather a small airfield and popular for private jets and some local airlines, serving short-range flights.

Arriving to Chōfu Airport passengers, you need to choose the best transfer method to the hotel in Tokyo, and the best one is to hire taxi or private transfer.

Chōfu Airport – located in the northwest of the small town of Chōfu, which is located west of Tokyo. Like most Japanese airports, it was built for military purposes. Chōfu Airport was opened in 1941 and was used exclusively by the Imperial Japanese Army during the Pacific War.

Chōfu Airport currently cooperates with airlines such as Aerotec, Jamco, Toho Air Service, Tokyo Airlines, and New Central Airservice. The airport is arranged in a standard way. There is one passenger terminal and the necessary amenities on its territory: several cafes, duty-free, a mother and child room, a first-aid post, ATMs, etc.

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